jamsil indoor stadium

Seoul, South Korea

Nov 22, 2016

46 Comments on “jamsil indoor stadium”

  • Jeong in lee



  • Jeong in lee



  • Yuseung Jo


    It’s been only 2 years but it felt like a whole new thing. Last time when Sigur Rós played in Seoul, they were with a dozen of string/percussion session but this time, they were with a dozen of LED screen stick. So I don’t think that I have to explain how awesome the stage looked.

    New arrangement for old songs sounded very refreshing yet so original. Sælópur was so gangster in live. Definitely my favorite moment.

  • PJE



  • jason


    what a nice and perfect performance tonight. actually. your 1st concert in Seoul, i did not attend. because same date and time there was Keith Jarrett Concert at Seoul. about 2 year later i attend to night. so amazing and great performance very thank u.

  • lee dongeun


    thank u for coming :) really specially time:) i can’t forget

  • Jason


    thank u

  • Aykas


    그 우주에서 그들이 내려오길 청중들이 기다리고 있다
    영혼을 울려내는듯 하였던 그들은 우리 뇌파와 세포 하나하나 까지 만나러 왔다
    그들은 악기를 연주 하고 있었지만 한편 그들 자신을 함께 연주하여 우리를 울렸다
    그들은 음악과 함께 왔을 뿐 아니라, 그와 한몸 한 영혼인 영상 비주얼 아트를 함께 데려왔다
    심연으로 들어가게된다 전율이다 세계이다

    _ Aykas

  • Hyerin Kim


    Thank you for came to Korea. I have been your concert tonight. your music was touched my heart. when I was hearing thirth song i couldn’t stop tears in my face. and I have so so happy night because of you. maybe you know I cant speek English well but I want to say you thank you thank you and please come to korea againlastly I wish you go back to your hometown safety. bye bye thank you.

    send with love and smile.❤️

  • Jason



  • Indie


    You guys have been in my life for more than 10 years already. I dreamed about a concert to almost every tune, and today you made it possible. I enjoyed every reverberating sound produced by your awesomeness. I loved today and I’ll keep loving it every time I feel nothing has a purpose. Thank you. Gracias. Takk… (:

  • H.U.


    공연 전 날부터 한가득 가득차오르는 마음에 밤잠을 설치고,
    오늘 날씨도 아이슬란드 같다는 생각에 찬공기가 싫지만은 않더라고요.
    90분이 순식간에 지나갔네요 (엉엉. 정말 쇼가 끝난 줄 몰랐어요. 인터미션인 줄…)
    멘트 하나 없이 공연만 했는데도 시간이 왜 때문에 이렇게 빨리 지나가는건지!
    온 신경을 다해 음악을 들었더니 공연이 끝나고 나서야 숨을 제대로 쉬질 않았구나,,를 깨우치고 집에 가면서 들숨 날숨을 몇번을 했는지.. ㅎㅎ
    암튼, 고맙습니다. 시규어로스. 덕분에 귀르가즘 느끼고 왔습니다.

  • Oh min


    It was really great… and songs inspire me

  • Ji eun Kang



  • H.U.Choi


    무한한 감동과, 무한한 위로를 받았습니다.
    너무 집중한 나머지 숨조차 제대로 쉬지 못했다는 걸 공연이 끝나고 깨닫고
    들숨 날숨을 몇번을 했는지요.
    90분 동안의 귀르가즘.
    고맙습니다. 시규어로스!

  • Ji eun Kang


    Takk Fyrir

  • Yat


    Why didint u play hoppipolla!!!

  • Ji eun Kang


    Takk Fyrir

  • Chloe


    Are you mermaids?
    Tonight was surreal
    Thank you xxxx

  • ithinkuni


    Thank you so much, Jon Por Birgisso, Georg Holm and Orri Pall Dyrason :) You guys are really, really, brilliant musicians. Never, ever forget tonight show! Hope you guys come back to South Korea ASAP! #SigurRós2016tour #LiveinSeoulSouthKorea

  • ithinkuni


    Thank you so much, Jon Por Birgisso, Georg Holm and Orri Pall Dyrason :) You guys are really, really, brilliant musicians. Never, ever forget tonight show! Hope you guys come back to South Korea ASAP! #SigurRós2016tour #LiveinSeoulSouthKorea

  • ithinkuni


    Thank you so much, Sigur Ros :) You guys are really, really, brilliant musicians. Never, ever forget tonight show! Hope you guys come back to South Korea ASAP! #SigurRós2016tour #LiveinSeoulSouthKorea

  • Tyron Naude


    Thank you

  • Paul


    Sigur Ros is an experience unlike any other and there performance at Jamsil Arena was incredible. The sounds draw the crowd into a transcendent unity of emotions and experience. Thank you for the gift. Takk…

  • Clare


    The purpose of this tour was not to be with orchestra and play with only Sigur ros 3 members. For this reason, it seems Hoppipola is not a good choice for performing and Sigur ros didn’t play Hoppipola during this world tour. There are plenty of beautiful songs of them. Please respect their choice.

  • John


    Gotta warn people before you bust out a new version of Starálfur. Didn’t think my favorite song could get any better buuut it did. RELEASE IT IN A SINGLE PLEEEASE!

  • Hyebin


    Sigur rós in Seoul yesterday was just amazing. It was my first time to see them live, and I felt like they brought me to some place beyond this world. It was heavenly, the sound they made was something different from any other music.

    When the third(?) song broke and drum beat kicked in, that was the best moment everrrr…

    Jónsi’s voice was so pure and beautiful :) and the drums were one of the most powerful things I’ve heard, the bass was just DREAMY. It was the best show I’ve been to this year. I couldn’t believed when it ended, 90min passed like 15min… :(

    I really hope to see them again soon. Please come again, with full string set and all!

  • Heather Kim


    No words can describe how beautiful the concert was. It was awe-inspiring and I was totally overwhelmed by it. It was my second time to Sigur ròs’s concert and I can’t wait to them again in the near future!! Takk❤

  • Kim


    It’s awesome



    thanks for coming korea again xx

  • Stephen Joo


    please come again!!!!!!!!!
    it was really awsome and i just cried out with your voice. i wanna feel your voice again.

  • Mihyang Eun


    가슴 속에서 산맥이 융기하고, 거대한 빙하들이 조금씩 녹으며 이동하기 시작하는 것 같았다. 목소리와 악기와 무대연출과 그래픽영상과 공연장의 온도, 그 모든 것들이 내가 실제로 내 가슴 속에서 새로운 대륙이 잉태되는 것 같은 착각을 낳았다. 마치 가슴 속에서 일어나는 산맥처럼 나도 모르게 자꾸만 어깨가 치솟아서 한 곡이 끝날 때마다 툭 떨어지는 경험이 일어났다. 현대카드 시규어로스 홍보 문구를 작성한 사람을 사실 조금은 이해할 수 있다.

    시규어로스는 정말 그들이 태어나서 자란 그곳을 연상시키는 그런 음악을 한다. 그래서 문득, 우리나라에서 태어나고 자란 음악가들이 어떤 음악을 하게 되고 어떤 음악을 할 수 없을지, 나아가서 모든 예술가들이 무엇을 느껴야만 하고 무엇을 경험할 수 없을지, 그것이 그들의 창작활동에 어떤 비애와 절망을 더하고 어떤 공백을 만들지 생각해보게 된다. 그리고 더이상 무슨 말도 하기가 힘들어진다.

  • Helen Cho


    Your music reminded me that I’m still alive.

  • HR Park


    Thank you for comming

  • HR Park



  • cecile


    nice to c u again!❤️



    언어를 알아 들을 수 없어도 그저 음악이라는 소통 아래서 정말 후회없는 행복한 시간이었습니다. 음악 해주셔서 정말 고맙습니다.

  • Yonghae Kim


    일단 그들의 스튜디오 앨범을 집안가득 울리게 플레이해보라.

    라이브는 그것보다 몇천배쯤은 더 좋다.

    공연이 시작됨과 동시에 나는 우주에 있었다.

  • Peter Jeon


    Actually i couldnt reserve your concert in Korea but i really like your live play like byrjun, festival, hoppipola, i hope your korean tour to be your great memory. Thank you

  • ???


    당신들의 음악은 아름답습니다.

  • ???



  • JW Park


    It was the best performance.
    Takk…. Takk!!

    Come to Korea again.

  • ??


    아직도 꿈속에, 우주 속에 있는 것 같아요.
    중학교때 알게된 욘시의 Go를 처음 듣고, 시규어로스를 찾아듣고 처음으로 내한공연에 간건데 진짜 너무 좋았습니다.최고였어요. 자기 전 공연때 찍은 동영상을 보면서 그때의 감정을 다시 되새긴답니다. 너무 좋은 공연으로 한국을 찾아주셔서 감사합니다. Takk

  • YR Chae


    It’s about 1 year that I first listen to Sigur Ros’ music. Your music is always inspiring me. Your performance was REALLY AWESOME! I hope to see you again in somewhere! Takk fyrir koma til Korea!!

  • YR Chae


    It’s about 1 year that I first listen to Sigur Ros’ music. Your music is always inspiring me. Your performance was REALLY AWESOME! I hope to see you again in somewhere! Takk fyrir koma til Korea!!

  • Jisu-Egerkominnheim


    Recalling the time when I listened to their live in my hometown, I visite this review page. Oh, I didn’t leave my review here.
    Now that I am travelling here and there in Europe following their tour schedule, I can’t be happier and this time is the most memorable moment in my whole life. When I go to the show in other countries, I feel like the audiences are just silent compared to the Korean fan. I miss the time you were playing in Seoul. I remember you left an impression of Korean fan one day :) I appreciate it. Hope I can see you and listen to you in Korea in the near future again.

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